Seeking housemate
for my beautiful little
home in North Boulder
3 Bedrooms, 2 1/2 Bath, Kitchen, Living Room, Studio/Office/Workout or Meditation Room, Laundry, Garden...
...which can mostly be yours. I am just not here much.

With the average rents in Boulder for 2-bedroom apartments going for $2,287 and houses for $3,875, this is a great opportunity : $2200 plus 1/2 utilities.
Hey friends. I'm looking to rent out much of my creative and calm home and studio to a wonderful, responsible individual, possibly a couple. One beloved, clean, super well-behaved dog a possibility too.
I am the founder of Creativity Alive, so my ideal housemate may be involved in dance or the arts, or just appreciative of the arts, but that's not required. I've enjoyed living with lovely professionals and grad students as well. I am now seeking someone who may enjoy mostly living alone and/or who may enjoy me hosting a few Creativity Alive sound baths and events here. I am at a remarkably flexible place in my life right now, so let's talk and see what might work best for you. I do plan to keep at least one bedroom for myself.
My home can be mostly furnished or unfurnished, with kitchenware or not. I would, however, Love someone to continue caring for the vines wrapping around much of the main level.
My home is in the desirable Holiday Neighborhood of North Boulder that's been featured on BetterCities.net as an example of New Urbanism. Walking distance to coffee, restaurants, shops, buses, and trails. Great art scene in neighborhood as home of Boulder's first official NoBo Art District as well as Creativity Alive. Keeping with the origins of the neighborhood as a drive-in movie theater, free outdoor movies and community parties in the park in the summer. Spacious, friendly neighborhood. Near the Skip and 204 bus routes.
I'm looking for individuals with clean, good energy and excellent references. No smoking, and no cats, I'm sorry to say.
'Will consider small reduction in rent in exchange for useful trades, so feel free to share what you may have to offer.
Deposit: one month's rent
Available to move in February 1st.
Standard Boulder Model Lease for a little over a year, 'til March 30, 2026, then renewable or month-to-month.
Please email me with a short description of why you think this may be a good match, when you can be available to discuss details, and when your ideal move-in date would be. Ideally, provide references straight away, or bring with you when seeing the place.
I look forward to connecting with you and seeing if this is a great match.
Merlyn Holmes
(pronounced like "mare" + "lynn", or the the French la mer for the sea.
See www.CreativityAlive.org too for upcoming events.

"This is a terrific rental. I lived here for 1.5 years and have truly enjoyed it. Merlyn is a kind, generous, and respectful landlord.
The neighborhood is quiet and peaceful, with a beautiful park and delightful cafes nearby.
The reason for my move is to
live closer to Denver."
- Teresa G
"It's hard to find such a beautiful place in a green, safe, and quiet neighborhood at this price. I'm so glad to have spent my first year in Boulder here. Merlyn is very hospitable and kind, and I have a lot of privacy and space with the whole lower floor to myself. I have developed a friendship that will last beyond the rental with Merlyn.
Having the place beautifully furnished was especially helpful for someone who just moved here.
The reason I'm moving is to be on CU's campus to keep up with my demanding work as a grad student, though there are 2 bus lines within 7 min walking.
- Thi H.